How to measure yourself Cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides

How to measure yourself Cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides

To get a clinical diagnostics home and emergency you can use the appropriate Home appliances for diagnosis Members of the measurement of cholesterol, of the blood sugar and of triglycerides. These devices provide reliable values, although not absolute, that allow the user to verify a determined trend. See below how to measure themselves cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides and how to interpret the values ​​provided by home medical devices

Cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides: what it is?

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The blood analysis They are a fundamental tool to detect the state of our health. Blood tests, In fact, They provide a set of parameters that are able to help the healthcare professional to assess the need for, eventually, a diagnostic investigations more detailed. The values ​​for cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides, For example,, help determine the risk of cardiovascular disease or metabolic.

Cholesterol: it is an organic compound that is part of the family lipid-steroidal; in other words it is a fat that serves several very important biological functions for our body. Cholesterol can originate from the assumption of certain foods, but most of it is produced by the liver from a wide range of substances. This steroid, remember, It can be distinguished in good cholesterol (Hdl) it is in bad cholesterol (Ldl): in the first case it is accompanied by water-soluble proteins that prevent the deposit on the arterial walls, while, in the second case, It is accompanied by proteins that promote their permanence inside the arteries, determining the formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaques. They are considered normal the following values: 120-220 mg / 100 ml for total cholesterol, 40-80 mg/100 ml per l’HDL, 70-180 mg/100 ml per l’LDL.

Glycemia: measuring the concentration of glucose present in the blood. glucose, remember, is one sugar, the essential nutrient of all body cells. A high level of glucose in the blood can result in the onset of various diseases, come, For example,, the diabetes, alterations of the pancreas, imbalances in hormone levels, obesity, etc. They are considered normal values 70-110 mg/100 ml.

Triglycerides: it is the most important energy reserves Human Body, as it is under this capacity that nutrients are deposited inside the adipose tissue. Along with the determination of the concentration of cholesterol, the amount of triglycerides present in the blood is a fundamental parameter in order to assess a possible cardiovascular risk. They are considered normal values 40-170 mg/100 ml.

What are the devices for home diagnosis and how to measure themselves cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides

The diagnostic tests, a time used exclusively in hospital settings, today can also be used at home to allow the user the measurement of certain parameters. In particular, they had a great success and have experienced a rapid spread those designed to detect concentration of cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides in the blood. These Home appliances for diagnosis, In fact, they are reliable and easy to use therefore how to independently measure cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides?

The portable multi-parameter analyzers, that they can be considered a real achievement in the field of Housewife clinical diagnostics, They can be used at any time of the day and do not require any kind of food restriction. They, remember, They are based on the combination of three elements: a blood filtration system, a device that allows the release of reagents and a system of chromatography.

Thanks to Housewife clinical diagnostics you can significantly reduce the number of tests and periodically lab and constantly monitor their own health status.

How to interpret the values ​​of the cholesterol meter, blood glucose and triglycerides

After removing the pungidito in a drop of blood kit, which will be placed in the designated area, the instrument will then analyze and communicate the data obtained on the display. The values ​​obtained will be stored in the memory (up to a total of 500 results).

As already mentioned the parameters provided by the portable medical device does not represent absolute values. For example, relative to cholesterol, they refer to total cholesterol concentration, without distinguishing between good and bad: so that the value provided only represents trend.

Benefits of the comfort of home monitoring of blood values:

1 - it encourages the user aware of a possible pathology and the consequent need to undergo treatment to this;

2 - it can be done at any time of the day;

3 - does not require the user special dietary restrictions;

4 - reduces the number of analyzes to be performed in the laboratory;

5 - it allows you to easily track some basic parameters for the body's health.

Tag: clinical diagnostics, medical devices, cholesterol, Home appliances for diagnosis, clinical analysis

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